10th Annual Charleston Antiques Show
April 11, 2013

We have finally popped up for air after busy weeks photographing new projects for our portfolio! We cannot wait to share the incredible images with you over the next months.
In our busy stupor, we are just now reporting back on the wonderful time that was had by one and all at the 10th Annual Charleston Antiques Show. The Historic Charleston Foundation‘s focus to “Connect with History. Keep Charleston Real.” was front and center during the events time in our fair city. While we enjoyed it all, the Friday afternoon luncheon was a highlight. What better way to celebrate historic preservation and connecting with Charleston and friends than with a 340 plate luncheon on the newly renovated South Property at the Carolina Yacht Club.
The buzz was palpable as people enjoyed the bright spring colors of the flower arrangements. As we settled in, we recognized the fabric on the book signing table and check-in table. It was a great piece gifted by the area F. Schumacher team. We love to see our vendors supporting the local culture. Connecting with Charleston, history and people!
The food is another story altogether. A shot glass of broccoli soup piqued our palettes while the shrimp salad hit the perfect spot. And no one could resist the chocolate pudding-like dessert.
But all of this was just the icing on the cake of the featured speaker, Gil Schafer. With a lecture title of “Pink Clapboards and Tea Olive: Southern Tradition, Memory and Great Design,” we were intrigued to see where Gil would take things. He related his own time in his grandmother’s home to how a home can make a lasting impression and affect your designs and how you approach things in the future. He was “fabulous,” the word on everyone’s lips. He gave us a glimpse inside of his head, explained how he approaches a project, all that he thinks about…very interesting! Maybe next year, we will remember to take some pictures.
The event was a success and we already have next year’s luncheon on our calendar. So should you…Mid-March 2014!