A Day on the Jobsite…in Images!
November 20, 2012

We had an exciting day walking through a new construction project on Kiawah Island. We cannot tell you how much we love to come in on the ground level; the opportunity to review floorplans in the early stages lets us catch potentially issues.
For example: the master bedroom wall isn’t long enough for a king bed, the dining room windows are too low to accommodate the sideboard or there isn’t a wall long enough for your favorite piece of art. MDI isn’t just beautiful furnishings and fabrics. We take it from beginning to end. On this particular day, we were checking on some paint colors, some cabinetry samples and working out some specifics that are best done on site.

We recommend sampling the colors in the space. Once colors are up, we check them against our samples to ensure accuracy and to ensure that the painter has in fact used the proper paint. Painters sometimes like to use a different brand than was specified; this has a potential to result in inaccurate colors. Bottom line: check your paint colors! We have designed the rest of this room around the sample in Delta’s hand. It’s accuracy is crucial!

MDI truly is a group effort. Take note of the paint schedule that is Margaret’s hand. Each project is documented and passed on to the right subs. The paint schedule details paint color and placement as well as any notes that might assist the painter. For example: perhaps we want a specific percentage mixed for the ceiling.

What a productive day! Things will be coming along quickly and we will keep you posted on the progress.