My Thanksgiving Table
November 27, 2012

For us, setting the table is half the battle of great entertaining. We’ll figure out the food and beverage later. First and foremost, how does the house look and how will we set the table?
Over at the Donaldson house, some of our market purchases arrived just in the nick of time. Anchoring the table is this trio of vases in their wrought iron holder. I chose sunflowers for their coloring and casual, welcoming feel.
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However, just as accessorizing a house takes layers, my favorite table takes layers. The second addition to the table was the candlesticks (another market find!). They hold pillar candles which are a nice change from the traditional taper candle. AND…I can flip them over next time for use as vases. How wonderful is that?!
Last but not least, a little foliage. Some leaves, nuts and gourds finish off the table, filling in the blanks and adding some nice color.
Some opportunities to remember when you are setting your table:
Layer it up…note the napkin is folded on the plate and topped with a nut.
Think non traditional for flowers…it doesn’t have to be “an arrangement.”
Mix it up…flowers, candles, other things (nuts, leaves, confetti, steamers, etc.)
Have fun with it!