More Designing Dogs: Meet Rosie
May 31, 2018

Behind the best interior designers in Charleston are the best dog helpers. At Margaret Donaldson Interiors, we love our dogs (and our clients’ dogs) so much that we have a dog-friendly studio. Please meet Rosie.
Rosie is a Chocolate Labrador who owns designer Beth Black. Rosie loves to visit with the other dogs at the studio, and enjoys the mid-day peanut butter bone ritual. “They have so much fun together,” Beth says. Of the designing dog mascots, Rosie is the most inquisitive. Beth says that when she comes into the studio in the morning she does a grand tour to see what’s changed. Rosie prefers to lie on vibrant patterns that provide visual contrast for her silky black fur. She is also highly skilled at delivering interoffice mail.
Of course, Rosie is also part of the quality and comfort assurance team who help the designers test and approve dog-friendly fabrics and duvet covers. She also helps the team design at-home dog washing stations for their clients. Rosie is enthusiastic in her beliefs that the best dog washing stations have a built-in shelf for storing extra cookies.
Our canine friends make our work so much fun. To see more of what they get up to, and what kinds of textiles they’re testing, follow us on Instagram. Have a dog-friendly design related question? Share it on our Facebook page and we’ll ask the designers.