September 10, 2024
Margaret Donaldson Featured in From the Tap Podcast
From the Tap Podcast, produced by the editors of Kitchen & Bath Business magazine, hosts leading experts in the kitchen and bath design industry. In June, they spoke with Margaret all about building a design legacy for Episode 77: The Art of Building a Legacy…
September 10, 2024
Margaret Donaldson Featured in From the Tap Podcast
From the Tap Podcast, produced by the editors of Kitchen & Bath Business magazine, hosts leading experts in the kitchen and bath design industry. In June, they spoke with Margaret all about building a design legacy for Episode 77: The Art of Building a Legacy…
Read the postCharleston Designers and Chicago Architecture Tour
No one can say we don’t make the most of a design show. While the purpose of…
Decorative Hardware: Bird’s Charleston, SC Showroom
We were excited to celebrate last week as Bird Hardware’s Charleston, SC location made a move to…
10th Annual Charleston Antiques Show
We have finally popped up for air after busy weeks photographing new projects for our portfolio! We…
Good Morning, Spring!
Well, hello, Spring! The temperatures still have a little ways to go but MDI has a serious…
Day 2: An Inspiration for the Season
Today, we’ve got the Osborne and Little Spring Collection including Osborne and Little and Lorca.
An Inspiration for The Season…A Series
Sure, each season brings forth a whole new range of patterns and colors, trims and wallpapers! But…
From rug to cornice design and wall detail…Margaret on the job
Have you ever wondered how we get to the final result? Where did that drapery detail come…
Margaret Donaldson Interiors Anniversary Party
Margaret Donaldson Interiors Anniversary Party We were delighted to see Margaret Donaldson Interiors 25th year celebration photo…
Hot Off The Presses…MDI in the pink paper
When Patra Taylor arrived to our open house, she couldn’t believe what was before her eyes…the sheer…
Celebrating Ferguson Enterprises
It was back in August that we first learned that our local Ferguson Enterprises Showroom was getting…