Wallpaper gives a room a big shot of personality and energy, and we’re loving the new trends. Modern wallpaper is ultra stylish, easy to install, and easy to remove when your tastes change. There are nearly infinite choices these days – so many in fact that we have an entire room devoted just to a library for wallpaper samples. Here’s how our team, some of the best interior designers in Charleston, used wallpaper in recent projects:
Design Studio Tour: Margaret Donaldson Interiors Expands
We’ve put the finishing touches on our newly renovated and expanded design studio and we couldn’t be happier. Our studio is our home away from home. It’s where we develop relationships, create, dream, and get inspired. This larger space gives us plenty of room to spread out vision boards, meet with clients, and display one-of-a-kind treasures and favorite accessories. (Stay tuned for a post on our current favorite accessories!)
Traditional Charleston Interior Design at Robert Bishop Smith House
Last month we shared the renovation of the historic Dock Street Theater featuring traditional Charleston interior design. Near the beach, such as our Isle of Palms and Kiawah Island interior design projects, contemporary design is almost always in order. However, on the Charleston peninsula, especially south of Broad, traditional design still reigns.
6 Easter Decor Ideas from the MDI Team
We love all of the decor possibilities this time of year brings, and we don’t mean you have to decorate in traditional Easter fashion with eggs aplenty. There are so many cute and quirky ways to celebrate the beloved holiday, including a few you may not have thought of.
Day 2: An Inspiration for the Season
Today, we’ve got the Osborne and Little Spring Collection including Osborne and Little and Lorca.
An Inspiration for The Season…A Series
Sure, each season brings forth a whole new range of patterns and colors, trims and wallpapers! But all of those beautiful textiles are more than just one company’s passing whim.